New Year, And I am ready to tear into this project. Finally most of the parts are gathered in one place, and about the same time. First to arrive was a box of epoxy filler, then the wind vane was delivered at the same time as the keel came back from galvanizing shop. A day later the boat kit was forked lifted out of an 18 wheeler, I signed a lease on a shop, found insurance on the shop, received keys on January 1st and AND.
Boat in a box
Two boats in two boxes
Wham! I have hit the ground running, I moved everything into the new shop, unpacked/organized the wood, Bought the timber for the strong back, and started gluing up the first frame/bulkhead. The CNC kit is beautifully cut, and it started getting glued together right out of the crate (THANK YOU B & B!)Frame A is glued up, and most of D-1 both pictured below.
Organizing kit
Moments until epoxy
Frame A
Frame A, detail
Frame A, detail
Dry fit, D1
D1, aft
The NAME THE BOAT game is moving along, and the several more new submissions are now uploaded to that tab. Remember a free half hull to whomever wins the name/color scheme for the “life size” boat contest.
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